How Full is Your Backpack?

Type: In-Person

Location: CMHA WW Children Service Building - 737 Woolwich St, Guelph, ON

Date: Thursday, September 19 - Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Presented by: Julie Male and Ardita Cummins, Mental Health Consultants, CMHA

Everywhere we travel we have a backpack that travels with us. Sometimes others can see our backpack, sometimes it is invisible. In this presentation we will attempt to understand our own backpacks, those of our coworkers, of the parents we engage with and the children we care for. Understanding that what we carry with us each and every day can differ and that knowing our own backstory, the why and how those things got into our backpack can help us empathize with others, especially when their backpacks are full.

This event is being delivered by an external organization from the County of Wellington and as such your name and email address may be provided to the third party for training purposes.

15 seats available.
Price: $0.00