Introduction to How Does Learning Happen?

Type: In-Programme Professional Learning

Early Years Professional Resource Centre

This 6-part series will offer your team an introduction to Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, How Does Learning Happen?, as well as its accompanying document Think, Feel, Act.

Each session is designed to be one 1.5 hours in length and it is meant to be highly interactive.

The proposed objectives for each of the sessions are outlined below. Be mindful that, even though there is a plan for each of the sessions, there is flexibility on how the ideas are presented, based on the needs of the group and the emerging dialogue from each session.

Session 1 – The View of the Child

  • Introduction to How Does Learning Happen?
  • Reflecting on one’s personal view of childhood.
  • To gain a greater understanding of the influence that the view of the child has on our practice.
  • To reflect on how our own view of children and childhood relates with the view of children from How Does Learning Happen?

Session 2 – Belonging

  • To analyze our understanding of Positive & Responsive relationships.
  • To learn about the foundation of Belonging from How Does Learning Happen?
  • To apply the expectations for programme outlined under the Belonging foundation in How Does Learning Happen?
  • To understand ways to build strong connections with children in programme.

Session 3 – Well-Being

  • To learn about the foundation of Well-being from How Does Learning Happen?
  • To reflect on what makes an eating environment positive.
  • To learn about the concept of self-regulation.
  • To reflect with the ideas of stress and calm.
  • To learn and apply the steps to support self-regulation.
 Session 4 – Engagement
  • To Learn about the foundation of Engagement from How Does Learning Happen?
  • To Reflect about the idea of open-ended materials.
  • To Practice ways of designing environments that support active engagement and meaningful exploration, based on previous observations of children’s engagement.

PLEASE NOTE - This session will be accompanied by a programme visit by a pedagogical leader (prior to the session) to collect stories of play and learning that we will use for reflection.

Session 5 – Expression

  • To learn about the foundation of expression from How Does Learning Happen?
  • To explore the concept of emergent literacy.
  • To reflect about how intentional materials and experiences can support children’s language development.
  • To explore how the concept of serve and return can support educators’ engagement in authentic communication with children.

Session 6 – Pedagogical Documentation

  • To learn about Pedagogical Documentation – what it is and what it looks like.
  • To practice ways to engage in pedagogical documentation.
  • To review our learning journey in the last 6 sessions.


If you would like to bring this session to your programme, please complete the In-Programme Request form below:

In-Programme Professional Learning Request Form

Do you have questions? Contact us at